
We strive to provide innovative and quality products for our busy everyday business travelers, from innovative packing solutions to stylish elite business travel luggage.

We search worldwide for innovative, practical and often patented travel products for clients in the niche market who like to travel in comfort without sacrificing style and value.
We also strive to provide outstanding customer service and value for both our consumers and wholesale partners, offering ?win-win? satisfaction for every level of our network. We respect intellectual property rights and try our very best not to infringe on the rights of others.

Company Profile:

Our company is established from a foundation of today?s business travel needs.
With a worldwide network of suppliers and designers, a combination of 25 years in design, logistic and manufacturing experience, we are here to support and guarantee our product value and workmanship. From our own DPStyle brand to any private label we offer to our business partners. We can develop products to your specifications based on existing designs, or we can tailor existing and new technologies to fit your individual goals.

Product Profile:

We offer a range of innovative business travel products and solutions, to fit your busy travel clients or as promotional gifts.

* Elite business luggage
* Luggage packing accessories
* Personal cares
* Comfort & Leisure
* Other deluxe travel accessories